London 2016

4/1/16 – Put a Bling on it

With our Sundays now about be to taken up with ever-increasing distance, Sue and I have been on the lookout for some local races that fit in with our schedule. Our first run in our plan is a 10k, which we’ve been doing anyway as a ‘tick-over’ since November.

It just so happens that the Brixton 10K is on this coming Sunday. The thought of schlepping all the way over there for a 9.30am start when we could simply run our home route at a time of our choosing wasn’t particularly appealing… but then we saw the medal.

Brixton 10 k 2016 Medal

Call us both shallow, but just look at that bad boy! The Academy holds a very special place in my heart and is, in my opinion, the very finest gig venue in London, nay the World. I’ve had so many happy times both out front, backstage and once, notably, onstage: dressed in a mask with the letter Y painted on my naked torso… Why indeed? We even have a picture of it in our living room! (the Academy, not my painted torso).

So, see you bright and early in Brockwell Park, next Sunday then.