London 2016

25/3/16 – Run to the Sun

So here we are in Florida and this is our training track:

2016-03-22 17.15.39
Welcome to Downtown Cocoa Beach

Glorious sandy beach as far as you see in either direction. And it’s warm, not quite as warm as I was expecting, but a very welcome change from chilly Londinium.

I couldn’t wait to get started; my legs felt stiff and feet swollen after the flight – a light jog seemed the perfect solution. We arrived at 8pm on Monday, which was a little too late and dark for a run, so with the time difference, I was up like a lark to watch the sun rise from our balcony, before heading out for a run.

I’ve run on this beach many times before, although it must be said, in much greater humidity and I know the drill well.

  • Stick to 5K and don’t worry about the time – it’s going be slower on sand and in the heat.
  • Always carry water.
  • Always suncream up before, even if there’s cloud cover.
  • If there’s a breeze, run against the wind to start with, so you aren’t running into a headwind after you turn for home.

All of these Golden rules I managed to accidentally break on my first training session here. Much as I’d like to blame jetlag, dopey stupidity is probably closer to the truth.

First the suncream, well, I did my top half, but inexplicably forgot about my legs. I got away with this on the run, but then subsequently kept forgetting them throughout the day, so even as I type three days later, my calves are sore and still angry red. Not half as angry as I am with myself over this, though.

I had carefully chilled my water bottle the night before in the fridge, then forgot to take it out with me, only realising as I began to run. The other two screw-ups were even dafter.

In my anxiousness to get going, I forgot to check the wind, indeed I didn’t even notice it until I turned for home I realised the northerly that had been at my back was actually quite powerful. Added to the sand being a lot less firm than usual – I was leaving treads of up to 3cms deep – the way back took a bit more of an effort, especially thanks to my breathtakingly stupid final mistake.

As I said before, I know the routes both to the South and North of our apartment very well. I know exactly where the turning points are, thus I was a little surprised when I reached the condos with the red Spanish-style roof tiles – which I was pretty sure was where I usually turn – that my watch was only reading 1.6kms.

I looked further down the beach and spotted another apartment block with similar tiles so assumed my memory was lacking and carried on going, failing to clock my time. I knew I was slow, due to the softness of the sand, but the sun was out and the sea looked magnificent. Despite the lack of drinking water, I wasn’t overheating or thirsty. I was having a whale of a time, really enjoying my run. Time didn’t matter and training doesn’t get much better than this…

As the watch clicked over 2.5kms and I turned into the teeth of the wind, it dawned on me. My watch is set to Miles! It has been since January – I’m so used to running here with it set on kilometers, I just kinda took it for granted. I’d just done over two-thirds of my intended distance and now had to do the same again to get back.

I may have called myself a few unprintable names at this point, but quickly saw the funny side. It’s hard to stay mad in paradise and, ultimately, I was still enjoying my easy recovery run, even if I ended up doing 5 miles instead of 5k. No proper pain or minor twinges, just a few mild protests from my calves in the final mile, mainly I think, due to the sand consistency.

Afterwards, I waded out into the sea a short way to give those sore calves a bit of shock cold water treatment, but the sea was surprisingly warm considering the air temperature and time of year. As I was so long on the run (1:03:40), everyone had gone out food shopping by the time I got back.

The next day, Sue and I went out for a real 5k, but this time along the road rather than beach. Looking out from our apartment, it seemed that the sand had firmed up, but due to the tide, there wasn’t really enough of a strip to run on. The sand where the tide doesn’t reach is way too soft and powdery to consider running on and besides, my calves were stiffening at the very thought… or maybe that was just the sunburn.

As I’d run further than I’d intended the day before, I decided to run together with Sue on her recovery run and, again, another very pleasant effortless easy-paced run (38:37). Yesterday, we elected to do a 5 mile walk on the beach instead of a run, with a shorter walk planned for today, as we prepare our legs for Saturday morning’s early Half Marathon, up the coast in Ormond.

Have a lovely Easter everyone.