London 2016

2/12/15 – What’s Going On?

29.54 for 5K… YEEEAAAH! But what the hell? I wasn’t even intending to push it.

A bit of hangover and a lot of work yesterday meant I didn’t get out as planned.  So I thought I have an easy one around the “classic’ course.

Admittedly when I was running, I felt good and although the muscles at the back of legs still felt a bit tight, they were not appearing to interfere with my run. I was doing a bit of ‘fast lamp-post, slow lamp-post’ until I ran out of steam for the fast ones. The splits for second and third K’s were in the 5:30 range, which is as good as I’ve ever managed. Especially when K2 is generally on an incline (unintentional pun bonus!). I’m genuinely gobsmacked… pleased, but gobsmacked.

I just wish I could but my finger on what I did so differently, then I’d bottle it, sell it and retire to Florida. But hey, maybe it was the fast/slow approach or was it the extra day of rest or perhaps it was just a really good day at the office.

Either way, I can’t wait to find out on my next run.