London 2020/1Update

Fundraising Update

Just a quick update on the Fundraising position, that we previously highlighted here.

Both our charities and the London Marathon themselves, have now clarified that all accepted entrants for the original race date, will still have a guaranteed place in the race, provisionally rescheduled for Sunday 4 October 2020.

Whilst all the fundraising issues I outlined in that earlier post do still remain for the charities, we have – in consultation with them both – decided to pause our own activities until the situation becomes clearer. We also appreciate that many people will need to every penny at this difficult time, so appealing for Sponsorship seems a little insensitive.

The quiz night was obviously postponed when the lockdown was imposed, we shall reschedule that in due course.

All that said, my charity album: Spoons Over Bourbon Street is still available to purchase, if you need some new sounds in your life right now. You can even just listen to a few tracks on that link, without charge, if you wish.

When the time is right, we will do a full relaunch on our sponsorship drive. Who knows, I might even have found time to record an EP to accompany the album!

Once again, a million thanks to everyone who have sponsored us, by whatever means, up to now and also to everyone who has given us a firm pledge of money to come. We’ll let you know when it’s the right time to press the button.

Stay safe, well and – most importantly – home, all. Sending huge love to everyone in the NHS and those essential workers keeping the country going.